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Confident Minds Tutoring offers students primary school and high school tutoring services. While we understand that students need help in different subjects, we also acknowledge that each student has their own unique learning preferences too. Some students prefer to learn by themselves, while others thrive in the presence of their peers and find meaningful support from learning in groups. To accommodate students of all learning styles at Confident Minds Tutoring, we offer different tutoring services that will suit the varied needs and preferences of students.
We have tutors based in Sydney’s south-east, as well as in a number of other suburbs in Sydney. Contact us to find out if the tutor that’s right for you can meet you either in Matraville or close to your school or home.
Attend your classes from anywhere – no need to travel or sit in traffic. If you are a student who prefers to learn from your own home, or if you cannot travel to Matraville, then our online tutoring service is for you.
Answer practice questions from your most convenient location through the online platform. Get ten hours of live online access with Emmanuel helping you answer questions from Chemistry past papers with all questions and answers provided. Each term is ten weeks long.
Complete Chemistry syllabus coverage from the comfort of your home. Emmanuel takes you dotpoint by dotpoint through the Year 11 and HSC Chemistry syllabus, together with loads of worked examples and practice paper questions for each Inquiry Question. All learning materials and resources are provided.
Prepare yourself for the upcoming term by making sure you have the fundamentals of the previous term’s Module mastered. In our school holiday courses, Emmanuel reviews the Chemistry syllabus with clear explanations and worked examples to enhance your learning.
unlimited access
Go at your own pace and complete practice questions in your free time with unlimited access to our library of recorded past paper sessions where Emmanuel breaks down and helps you answer hundreds of Chemistry exam questions. Access the questions and complete them whenever you are ready. This is a great option for Chemistry students revising content and wanting guidance in what questions to expect and how to answer them effectively.
Our Pricing
Enjoy extra discounts when you enroll in more than one of our courses. We offer special tutoring packages for students who need support in various learning areas.
per ten-week term
(save $98 per term)
Online Syllabus Sessions
Library of Recorded Sessions
Ongoing Email Support
per ten-week term
(save $196 per term)
Online Syllabus Sessions
Online Past Paper Sessions
Library of Recorded Sessions
Ongoing Email Support
per ten-week term
(save $326 per term)
Online Syllabus Sessions
Online Past Paper Sessions
Online School Holiday Course
Library of Recorded Sessions
Ongoing Email Support
Contact Information
Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
Our Location
Matraville NSW Australia 2036
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